This morning the guys woke up before us…there’s a first for everything. J We cleaned up the rooms and got all packed up then headed down for our last breakfast at the resort. Brent ordered two meals what with it been our last good meal for a little while. After breakfast we hung out in the air conditioned room till it was time to go get on the bus. A mini bus picked us up and then took us to a bus station where we transferred onto another bus. They gave us one bathroom break stop and the toilets were the lovely hole in the ground style with no toilet paper. My favorite! We got to the airport around 6 or so and grabbed dinner. Boys ate at Burger King and girls ate at Subway. Crashed in the tourist lounge and worked on well…the blog =). It is now 3:45am here and everyone is crashed out beside me on the chairs. There is construction going on in the tourist lounge (it has changed immensely and we were only gone for one week) so I don’t know how any of them are getting sleep with all the tools running and paint fumes and constant chatter from the workers but they all wake up from hour to hour to readjust. I for some reason am not tired and probably will just stay up till we take of. John and Rose fly out this morning at 6 something =(. We are gonna be bummed!! Thankfully we fly out 2 hours later for Malaysia so they will at least give us a distraction from them leaving. Well sorry about taking so long to update the blog! As you know we had some great company and have been soaking it up and putting off the blog. I will try to get pictures updated of our adventure soon. Also as I’m sure you all know…we got our tickets home!! The three of us were all talking about it and even Bruce is getting all excited about coming home!! It is nice having a day in mind to look forward to seeing you all again. Loves and hugs from Thailand!
We are very happy about your soon return and look forward to it! Sending lots of love to you all!